Sunday, 1 February 2009

The work with China’s 12th five year plan continues: Draft Leaflet ready

Together with the team at NDRC Nan Li at the WWF’s office in China is doing an amazing job and I can only hope that more resources will be invested in processes like these that can deliver significant results. Download the Draft leaflet here (2 meg).

A final version of the leaflet will be ready soon, but this is such an important process that the drafts are worth circulating.

China Mobile takes a lead in low carbon IT for 2009

Few companies have engaged in the low carbon work in such a systematic and serious way as China Mobile. I look forward to the workshop the 16th. see here for agenda.

A question worth reflecting on is if China Mobile will get more than half a billion subscribers during 2009? You can check out the "countdown" here.

A new year with amazing opportunities

Thanks everyone who asked if I was OK when I stopped blogging for a few weeks. I’m actually much better than OK and the reason for not blogging was that I decided to take some time off between the western and Chinese new years to think about long term strategic issues. Some of my conclusions might also be a bit controversial, so I have been thinking about how to write about this without making people sad, or giving those who see a more sustainable future a threat ammunition. Some of my thinking relates to organizations that work to save the planet. There is a need for an open discussion about the way these organizations work, but too often such discussions are being used by reactive people for more denial and bad excuse for inaction… I will get back to this later during the year.